Thursday, January 21, 2016

Mucho felicidad y tristeza

It’s the end of day three, and it’s been a roller coaster of emotions for many of us.
Yesterday, we visited the public hospital in La Esquintia. I'm really at a loss for words to describe what we saw. The condition of the hospital was unlike anything in the USA. So many emotions on our tour. Heartbreak as we walked past the parents forced to wait outside the NICU knowing that two of the five babies in there would most likely not survive. Helplessness to see the lack of resources as beds, equipment and medications were shared between patients. Awe at the resilience of the people as greeted us warmly despite their conditions. Joy to see the pride of those who worked in the laboratory and shared their 'newer' instruments. Shameful of what we take for granted. Determination to emulate those who share the vision to create something better, no matter how small it may feel.

Today we visited the Wakami village. This group has focused on empowering women by incubating businesses to support them economically. Maria is AMAZING! This woman is driving the vehicle of change in Guatemala and is a true inspiration. Our group learned about the history of the Wakami group and was then asked to draw a picture of our dreams. As we shared our dreams it struck me how we are so much more like these women than different.  
Sharing our dreams.

My afternoon helpers and Spanish instructors.

We also had the opportunity to partner with local children to help paint their community school. My face hurts from smiling and laughing with them as we spent the afternoon with them trying to teach me Español and them English.

The love and community is infectious.


Coming together to improve the school.

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