Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2019: Day 2 – La Esquintla Hospital and Antigua

Team one loaded onto a bus for a one-hour drive visit a hospital in an area that previously didn’t have access to medical care. Today, the La Esquintla Hospital offers primarily maternity, neonatal, and pediatric intensive care. The hospital director gave us a tour and explained the advancements they have made over the years. The NICU was recently completed and was extremely impressive given the limited resources they have at their disposal. Before their facility existed, infant mortality was at 80 percent; with hard work and persistence they have decreased that significantly. Newly delivered babies and their moms are only allowed to be admitted for 12 hours post birth so the hospital has space for the influx of moms waiting their turn to give birth in a safe, supportive environment. After seeing the babies, children, and parents receiving care, it became obvious that this hospital is an oasis to a community that previously had to simply accept losing the fight to treatable and curable conditions. It was very apparent that everyone involved was committed to the continued improvement and advancement of the care they provide in the face of adversity.

For the remainder of the day, our team was given the opportunity to explore Antigua on their own. Some of the highlights were the chocolate shop, a Guatemalan jade museum, and a new brewery with a spectacular rooftop patio that offered breathtaking views of the city and surrounding volcanoes. The whole team ended the day meeting up for dinner at an Italian restaurant (yes, Italian food in Guatemala exists!) out in the city.

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